Monday, 5 November 2012

Top Ten Greatest Inventors

  1. Thomas Edison - the lightbulb and many more. One of the most prolific inventors of all time
  2. The Wright Brothers - for making the first flight
  3. Benjamin Franklin - discovered electricity and invented the Franklin stove
  4. Charles Babbage - created first mechanical computer
  5. Marie Curie - discovered Radium and help make use of radiation and X Rays.
  6. Alexander Bell - Inventing the telephone
  7. Leonardo Da Vinci - one of the greatest ever minds, invented models that proved workable 3-500 years later.
  8. Galileo - the telescope and revolutionary theories about the nature of the world.
  9. Tim Berners Lee the http:// protocol for the internet.
  10. Archimedes - amongst other things worked out pi and developed the archimedes screw for lifting up water from mines or wells.

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